Face hair removal

About five million hairs covering the body including one million on our face (down, eyebrows and eyelashes). They live between three and five years may renew up to twenty times. When the down of an upper lip becomes unsightly discoloration and it does not bring the desired results, waxing seems to be the most efficient, most radical, the elimination of it.
The appearance of down is related to hormonal influences, including testosterone, male hormone, but rather also affects women's lives.
If the hair of the armpits, bikini line and legs decreases with age, those in the lower face with a peak increase at menopause or perimenopause, when testosterone is no longer hampered by female hormones.
Some hormone replacement therapies allow partial regression or complete regrowth of hair while others are neutral or favor their appearance. It is advisable to address the effects of treatment with her gynecologist or endocrinologist before starting it. The occurrence of Down is also a genetic trait. Asian women do not have this problem. The women of Caucasian, brown, are prone to this problem, while hardly fair. In contrast, young girls are accused Mediterranean early on a large hair.
When the down is accompanied by a significant shadow on the oval face, with too, too long and too dark, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist to check your hormonal balance and may prescribe a pill that prevents hair invasive .
The down end and often plays a clear role in protecting the face and is not removed. Indeed, once ripped it may become haired, thick and dark. Yet adolescent girls often feel the temptation peering into their faces every day, looking for the slightest irregularity. The traditional waxing, even with strips of cold wax is not recommended.
The wax called "hot spots" are reserved for the use of jersey. Used on the face, they might pull the end down clearly, to warm the face, leaving in its wake a trail of small buttons.
Waxing East
The traditional wax forever their fans, but the facial waxing Eastern increasingly widespread, is working really incomparable. Especially if the hairs are numerous and very dark. Hair removal in the East or to the pulp of citrus, is cold. No risk of burns. Very flexible, it allows the bulb to pull gently, without breaking it. Many bulbs are trapped without tearing down the end. The wax applies widely around the mouth. We do not recommend doing more than three strokes on the lips because the skin depth heated might activate sebum and bring out small pimples. Do not press two or three hairs reluctant to leave the next waxing.
Epilation Laser
The laser reduces hair growth by 90% and is particularly suitable for many hair, dark and isolated. The laser technology is no more painful than waxing. It removes hair and roots. The pink color that appears after waxing lasts about one hour. There is no risk of scarring. But be careful however not to be sitting when you're tanned, the laser picks up the melanin and you may then appear small surface crusts. The laser is recommended for these sessions alexandrite or flash lamp, lamp of all colors with a crystal which selects the proper wavelength. It takes three to seven sessions, depending on hair growth and meeting annual maintenance. Indeed, other hairs come to reject because of what we call "hormonal impregnation.
Caution note that some lasers can not be used on darker skin, black or mestizo and white or blond hair are very difficult to remove.
When downy upper lip is not seen and only a few isolated dark hair to grow back after stubbornly Tweezing, electrolysis is then the most suitable. This is also valid for a few stiff hairs growing on the chin. One drawback to this method: the possible risk of low marks. Therefore this method is generally reserved for small meetings where there is little hair to remove. The principle is simple: with a fine needle point, we passed a current which destroys the bulb. Many of the sessions (between 6 and 15) are required, spaced 15 days to a month depending on the cycle of hair growth. These sessions are short because the treatment is unfortunately quite unpleasant and causes swelling that resolves in about two hours. Besides other hairs are likely to occur between these sessions. Indeed, as the hair regrowth cycles are in As. Plan a meeting annual maintenance.
The appearance of down is related to hormonal influences, including testosterone, male hormone, but rather also affects women's lives.
If the hair of the armpits, bikini line and legs decreases with age, those in the lower face with a peak increase at menopause or perimenopause, when testosterone is no longer hampered by female hormones.
Some hormone replacement therapies allow partial regression or complete regrowth of hair while others are neutral or favor their appearance. It is advisable to address the effects of treatment with her gynecologist or endocrinologist before starting it. The occurrence of Down is also a genetic trait. Asian women do not have this problem. The women of Caucasian, brown, are prone to this problem, while hardly fair. In contrast, young girls are accused Mediterranean early on a large hair.
When the down is accompanied by a significant shadow on the oval face, with too, too long and too dark, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist to check your hormonal balance and may prescribe a pill that prevents hair invasive .
The down end and often plays a clear role in protecting the face and is not removed. Indeed, once ripped it may become haired, thick and dark. Yet adolescent girls often feel the temptation peering into their faces every day, looking for the slightest irregularity. The traditional waxing, even with strips of cold wax is not recommended.
The wax called "hot spots" are reserved for the use of jersey. Used on the face, they might pull the end down clearly, to warm the face, leaving in its wake a trail of small buttons.
Waxing East
The traditional wax forever their fans, but the facial waxing Eastern increasingly widespread, is working really incomparable. Especially if the hairs are numerous and very dark. Hair removal in the East or to the pulp of citrus, is cold. No risk of burns. Very flexible, it allows the bulb to pull gently, without breaking it. Many bulbs are trapped without tearing down the end. The wax applies widely around the mouth. We do not recommend doing more than three strokes on the lips because the skin depth heated might activate sebum and bring out small pimples. Do not press two or three hairs reluctant to leave the next waxing.
Epilation Laser
The laser reduces hair growth by 90% and is particularly suitable for many hair, dark and isolated. The laser technology is no more painful than waxing. It removes hair and roots. The pink color that appears after waxing lasts about one hour. There is no risk of scarring. But be careful however not to be sitting when you're tanned, the laser picks up the melanin and you may then appear small surface crusts. The laser is recommended for these sessions alexandrite or flash lamp, lamp of all colors with a crystal which selects the proper wavelength. It takes three to seven sessions, depending on hair growth and meeting annual maintenance. Indeed, other hairs come to reject because of what we call "hormonal impregnation.
Caution note that some lasers can not be used on darker skin, black or mestizo and white or blond hair are very difficult to remove.
When downy upper lip is not seen and only a few isolated dark hair to grow back after stubbornly Tweezing, electrolysis is then the most suitable. This is also valid for a few stiff hairs growing on the chin. One drawback to this method: the possible risk of low marks. Therefore this method is generally reserved for small meetings where there is little hair to remove. The principle is simple: with a fine needle point, we passed a current which destroys the bulb. Many of the sessions (between 6 and 15) are required, spaced 15 days to a month depending on the cycle of hair growth. These sessions are short because the treatment is unfortunately quite unpleasant and causes swelling that resolves in about two hours. Besides other hairs are likely to occur between these sessions. Indeed, as the hair regrowth cycles are in As. Plan a meeting annual maintenance.
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