Why do I have white bumps under the eyes?

These bumps are probably called miliary white spots. The miliary form when dead skin cells and sebum are trapped below the upper layer of skin. The embedded cells are transformed into tiny cysts that look like white pearls just beneath the surface of the skin. The miliary form on the skin, mucous membranes (the inner surface of the cheek) or on the edge of the lips. Normally, a white point breaks and drains but miliary develop a thin layer that becomes hardened cyst making natural expulsion difficult. Sometimes the cysts will resolve themselves but in some cases it may be necessary to call the care of a dermatologist. Avoid care products and makeup that are occlusive (which clog pores), especially on the edges thinner eyes. Look for products containing powder and those who are labeled non-comedogenic. Try applying a lighter moisturizer on areas that tend to miliaria. Consider using a gentle exfoliator to facilitate the removal of dead cells. Finally, remember to always clean your skin once in the morning and once at night to remove the daily accumulation of makeup, oil and impurities.
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