why my hair falling out

before you will begin the concern
you should be know hair lose is normal,anyone loses 40 and 120 strands a day
but can be some causes that lead to hair lose
1. Seasonality. You will lose more hair in the fall - typically November and December when hair reaches maturity in its growth cycle.
2. Diet. Hair loss may occur following a poor diet. According to George Cotsarelis dermatologist, MD, director of the University of Pennsylvania Hair and Scalp Clinic, iron deficiency may be the cause. It says in the April 2006 issue of "Ladies Home Journal," it might be worth checking your levels with your doctor and take a supplement if they are weak.
3. Ageing. Marc Avram, MD, a specialist in hair transplantation Manhattan, told Elle magazine: "As we age, the follicles shrink, producing thin, short strands, and then the follicles start to die. The rate and extent of this process is a matter of genetics. "
3. Pregnancy , some women experience hair loss with pregnancy or in the post-pregnancy hormones. Other comprehensive income women experience hair when switching on and off (mostly off) the contraceptive pill.
4.Illness or intense stress sometimes intense stress occurs as a result of the disease. Stress, excessive weight loss, iron deficiency and thyroid problems can also cause hair loss.
If you're really worried, ask your doctor, however, experts say you really need to worry if your hand is getting wider or you can see your scalp through your hair. For severe cases, you can consult a trichologist, "a doctor who specializes in hair loss.
2. Diet. Hair loss may occur following a poor diet. According to George Cotsarelis dermatologist, MD, director of the University of Pennsylvania Hair and Scalp Clinic, iron deficiency may be the cause. It says in the April 2006 issue of "Ladies Home Journal," it might be worth checking your levels with your doctor and take a supplement if they are weak.
3. Ageing. Marc Avram, MD, a specialist in hair transplantation Manhattan, told Elle magazine: "As we age, the follicles shrink, producing thin, short strands, and then the follicles start to die. The rate and extent of this process is a matter of genetics. "
3. Pregnancy , some women experience hair loss with pregnancy or in the post-pregnancy hormones. Other comprehensive income women experience hair when switching on and off (mostly off) the contraceptive pill.
4.Illness or intense stress sometimes intense stress occurs as a result of the disease. Stress, excessive weight loss, iron deficiency and thyroid problems can also cause hair loss.
If you're really worried, ask your doctor, however, experts say you really need to worry if your hand is getting wider or you can see your scalp through your hair. For severe cases, you can consult a trichologist, "a doctor who specializes in hair loss.