Dreadlocks are in a sense, a nasty mess of tangles in the hair which are bound in knots. For many people, trying to get all those knots out like an impossible effort. For these men, shaving the head looks like the only option. The truth is, however, there is another way. Here we will focus on how to remove dreadlocks without shaving the head.
The first thing you should know is that natural dreads will actually be easier to remove than the perms or braided. You have to invest a small fortune on conditioner based oil and vegetables. You will need a metal comb (plastic is simply not survive on this). And, you'll need plenty of patience.
The first thing you should do is wash your hair with a high quality shampoo. After rinsing, put in a bottle or two of cheap conditioner and let set for at least 20 minutes. You may need to wear a hat during this time and you leave the air conditioner, the better. When you're ready to rinse the conditioner, try to avoid agitation of the hair. Some may just unravel at this stage, making it easier to rest.
Allow to air dry hair, then rinse with a mixture of 4 parts water and 1 part vinegar. It will smell funky, but it will neutralize the pH slightly basic left from the shampoo and leave hair smoother.
At this point, you find that your hair is dry and brittle. If this happens, soak your hair with oil. Jojoba is an example of a good oil-based vegetable for that purpose. Wear a hat and leave the oil in the night if possible. Even more hair loosening in May after oil treatment.
Then you'll need to rinse the oil on the hair and start picking locks with a comb. You should begin to drop near the end of the hair and work toward the scalp. Take your time so you do not end up breaking the hair. If you finish untangling the lock, or even if you're not completely finished, weave the loose hair to keep it from joining another lock.
You should try to work from front to rear and to each side evenly. You'll need several days to completely get rid of your dreads and your hair will seem strange at times. However, if patience and conditioner so you can remove without dreadlocks shaved head.
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